Sunday, March 1, 2009


It started to snow a tiny bit and everyone freaked out - no classes tomorrow - school is closed - blahblahblah. I'm glad that a multi-campus University tells us ahead of time unlike another school I once went to. ANYWAY... it will be an experience as I am taking myself into the storm and (hopefully) finding someone to join me in attempting the West Side Story lottery.

Let's talk about Impressionism for a second. I wanted to like the play- no wait, I wanted to LOVE the play but I just left the theater shrugging. It was the first preview so I understand Joan Allen's line flubs and some general pace issues. However, I can not for the life of me understand Jeremy Irons... in each scene I felt as if he was a ghost or a shell of himself reading lines off of a piece of paper. It was not the most enthralling performance. Marsha Mason was adorable in her small scene(s) and Andre De Shield stole the show for me (and most of the audience judging by the curtain call). Aaron Lazar was on the stage for a few minutes and did not get a chance to shine - it was quite sad because I absolutely ADORE him and I know he has the acting chops to really command a stage but he just didn't do it here- and it wasn't his fault. The set, lighting, costumes, instrumentals, and scene transitions were beautiful and well done. The play itself, the direction, and the acting could have been better. I wanted more out of the experience. I would recommend 'The American Plan' over this one in its current state.